Time flies when you're having fun. And working hard. Which is why I'm so late sharing my experience from GRWebDev's accessibility panel hosted in August. And why I'm going to keep it short and sweet.
I had a great time at Little Space Studio, where the event was held. I got to reconnect with old friends, meet some friends in person for the first time, and make new friends! It was quite a night for this outgoing introvert.
This was my first time being on a panel, so I wasn't quite sure what to expect. There were four of us on the panel along with the moderator, and let's just say, there wasn't nearly enough time to cover everything! Coming from different professional backgrounds, we definitely had different things to say about incorporating accessibility into our processes. Overall? There's a growing awareness of the importance of accessibility. But there's still a long way to go to properly account for accessibility when we develop products. Not only that, but people with disabilities want to help. They want to tell us what they need and help us craft products that work for them. I know I walked away from that experience determined to see how we as a team can make more connections with real people moving forward.