Drag and drop interfaces offer user-friendly ways to empower users in creating and customizing complex data. By leveraging a drag-and-drop interface, modifying data becomes an intuitive and streamlined experience. React DnD, a powerful utility for implementing drag-and-drop interfaces in React, enables the creation of interactive drag-and-drop interfaces that provide users with an easy and intuitive way to make changes and customizations to intricate data. With React DnD, developers can build a wide range of applications, from simple shopping lists with draggable items to sophisticated nested structures where items can be re-ordered within or between lists. These complex scenarios necessitate utilizing the comprehensive toolset offered by React DnD, enabling the development of unique and intuitive user interfaces. The drag-and-drop API at the core of React DnD revolves around drag sources and drop targets, providing extensive customization options that empower developers to craft tailored solutions for their applications.
The useDrag react hook is the first step in the process of making any element draggable. This hook is responsible for defining the drag sources and takes arguments for the item that will be dragged as well as the type of that item. The type argument is very powerful, as it is what will allow you to create hierarchical drag scenarios. For example, a book that allows its pages to be dragged as well as a shelf that allows its books to be dragged. In this scenario, both books and pages need to be draggable, but pages can only be dropped inside of books, and books can only be dropped on the shelf. In order to accomplish this, books and pages must have distinct types. The useDrag hook also allows the user to take advantage of three major events, which developers can use to customize and style the component in order to give users some feedback while dragging. These events are called onDragStart, which might be used to remove a page from a book and display it as a single page while dragging. onDrag, which could be used to display the page in a highlighted state. Finally, onDragEnd will be called when a page is dropped and is a great place to make changes to the data where the lists are stored. Using these three events, developers can customize and style the user's dragging experience.
const Book = ({ bookId, title }) => {
const [, drag] = useDrag({
type: ItemTypes.BOOK,
item: { bookId },
return (
onDragStart={(e) => {
// Handle custom drag start behavior here
onDrag={(e) => {
// Handle custom dragging behavior here
onDragEnd={(e) => {
// Handle custom drag end behavior here
The second step is defining your drop targets. This is done using the useDrop React hook, which allows you to specify where draggable objects can be dropped and what happens when those items are dropped. This hook takes an argument called accepts, which defines what types can be dropped into this target. This hook gives the developer the ability to work with four events. First, onDragEnter is called when a page enters a book or a book enters a shelf. Books, for example, might change to a spread-open state when this event is fired. Second, onDragOver is called the entire time a page is over a book and might be used to display the page halfway between its new neighbors. Third, onDragLeave is called when a page or a book is removed from a drop target and would be used to end the visual feedback triggered by onDragEnter. Lastly, onDrop is called when the user lets go of an item. This function will make the changes to the underlying data, essentially re-numbering all the pages. By taking advantage of these hooks and customizing the events, developers can provide information or previews of what might happen if a user drops an object.
const Shelf = () => {
const [books, setBooks] = React.useState([
{ id: 1, title: "Book 1" },
{ id: 2, title: "Book 2" },
{ id: 3, title: "Book 3" }
const handleDrop = (draggedBookId, targetBookId) => {
// Handle a drop by calling setBooks
const [, drop] = useDrop({
accept: ItemTypes.BOOK,
drop: (item, monitor) => {
// Perform drop operation by calling handleDrop
return (
<div ref={drop}>
{books.map((book) => (
onDragEnter={() => {
// Handle custom drag enter behavior here
onDragOver={(e) => {
// Handle custom drag over behavior here
onDragLeave={() => {
// Handle custom drag leave behavior here
onDrop={(e) => {
// Handle custom drop behavior here
<Book bookId={book.id} title={book.title} />
In conclusion, React DnD is a powerful utility that empowers developers to create user-friendly and interactive drag-and-drop interfaces in React applications. By leveraging the useDrag and useDrop React hooks, developers can easily implement draggable elements and define drop targets with extensive customization options. This enables users to intuitively create and customize complex data structures, resulting in improved user experiences and increased interactivity. React DnD's drag-and-drop API, along with its comprehensive toolset, provides developers with the flexibility to build unique and tailored solutions for a wide range of applications, from simple lists to intricate nested structures. With React DnD, the possibilities for creating intuitive and engaging drag-and-drop experiences are endless.